
ADHD Entrepreneur Secrets – How to Turn Your ‘Disorder’ Into a Superpower

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) often carries a stigma, particularly in professional settings. However, for those who understand how to manage and leverage their ADHD, it can be a source of incredible strength and creativity. Cindy Baker is a prime example of someone who has not only embraced her ADHD but has turned it into a powerful tool for helping others. As a coach and speaker, Cindy specializes in transforming the lives of busy, driven entrepreneurs and creative professionals with ADHD. Her unique coaching approach empowers clients to work with their ADHD brains rather than against them, leading to remarkable personal and professional growth.

In this article, we delve into Cindy’s personal journey, explore her innovative ADHD-friendly framework, and highlight the success stories of individuals who have thrived under her guidance. We’ll also discuss how Cindy’s coaching program equips clients with the tools they need to overcome challenges, harness their strengths, and achieve long-term success.

Cindy Baker’s Personal Journey with ADHD

Cindy Baker’s journey with ADHD began long before she became a coach. For years, she struggled with the symptoms of undiagnosed ADHD—constantly switching jobs, feeling overwhelmed by deadlines, and battling with disorganization. Despite these challenges, Cindy was determined to find a way to manage her life effectively. It wasn’t until she began working as a school counselor that she started to recognize the signs of ADHD in herself, leading to her own diagnosis as an adult.

“I had all the symptoms,” Cindy recalls. “I was all over the place. I had three part-time jobs, I would forget things, couldn’t meet deadlines, and I was always rushed and unorganized. It was like that duck on the water—calm on the surface, but underneath, I was paddling like crazy.”

This diagnosis marked a turning point in Cindy’s life. She became deeply curious about ADHD, devouring books, attending workshops, and learning everything she could about the condition. Cindy’s background in education and counseling provided her with the perfect foundation to understand the intricacies of ADHD and how it affects adults in professional settings. She combined her newfound knowledge with her existing skills to develop strategies that would eventually lead to the creation of her coaching business.

The result? Cindy went from a life of chaos and overwhelm to one of peace, order, and success. She built a thriving career as a counselor and teacher, and eventually transitioned into coaching, where she now helps others navigate their ADHD and turn it into a competitive advantage.

The Birth of Cindy Baker Coaching

Cindy’s transition from teaching to coaching was a natural evolution of her career. After spending years as an educator, she was ready for a change—something that would allow her to have more control over her time and make a bigger impact. She was also eager to work with adults, particularly entrepreneurs and creative professionals, who she knew could benefit from her unique insights into ADHD.

Cindy took a leap of faith, investing in a business coaching program to learn how to start her own business. This experience not only equipped her with the practical knowledge she needed to launch Cindy Baker Coaching, but it also deepened her empathy for her clients. “I understand the fear people feel when I ask them to join my coaching program,” Cindy explains. “I went through the same thing when I invested in my business coaching program, and it was totally worth it.”

In 2019, Cindy Baker Coaching was born. Since then, Cindy has been dedicated to helping her clients—primarily entrepreneurs and creative professionals with ADHD—tap into their creativity, channel their energy, improve their focus, and take decisive action in their personal and professional lives. Her goal is to guide them from chaos and overwhelm to a place of calm, focus, and productivity.

Cindy’s ADHD-Friendly Coaching Framework

At the heart of Cindy’s coaching program is her ADHD-friendly framework, which she designed specifically to address the common challenges faced by adults with ADHD. This framework is built around four key areas, each targeting a common mistake that people with ADHD often make:

1. Lack of Understanding ADHD: Many people with ADHD struggle because they don’t fully understand how the condition impacts their lives. Cindy begins by educating her clients about the neurological basis of ADHD, helping them understand their brain wiring and how it influences their behavior. This foundational knowledge is crucial for self-acceptance and finding effective strategies to manage challenges.

2. Managing Overwhelm and Anxiety: Overwhelm and anxiety are common experiences for people with ADHD. Cindy teaches her clients stress management techniques, such as time management and organizational skills, to help them manage these feelings. By creating a structured environment, Cindy’s clients learn to navigate their day-to-day lives with greater ease and less stress.

3. Improving Focus and Attention: One of the most significant challenges of ADHD is maintaining focus and attention. Cindy’s framework includes research-based strategies to enhance these essential skills, ensuring her clients can stay on track and achieve their goals. Her approach is tailored to the unique needs of adults with ADHD, drawing from her own experiences and those of her clients.

4. Overcoming Poor Organization and Time Management: Organization and time management are critical areas where many adults with ADHD struggle. Cindy works with her clients to set up systems and build new habits that allow them to manage their time effectively and stay organized. This step is crucial for preventing burnout and ensuring long-term success.

In addition to these core areas, Cindy’s coaching program offers bonus content on business tips, decision-making, financial management, and more. These additional resources help her clients thrive both personally and professionally, providing them with a comprehensive toolkit for success.

Success Stories: The Impact of Cindy’s Coaching

Cindy Baker’s coaching has had a profound impact on the lives of her clients, helping them overcome significant challenges and achieve their goals. One such success story is that of Holly, a client who was struggling to transition to working from home while starting a new business in real estate investing. Holly found it difficult to manage her time and stay organized, particularly in the unstructured environment of a home office.

With Cindy’s guidance, Holly was able to set up a system that worked for her, allowing her to manage her time effectively and keep her home office organized. This transformation enabled Holly to successfully launch her business and thrive in her new role as a real estate investor.

Another client, Doug, faced challenges in meeting deadlines for his business. Like many people with ADHD, Doug struggled with time management and often found himself rushing to complete tasks at the last minute. Cindy worked with Doug to develop ADHD-friendly time management strategies that helped him stay on track and meet his client deadlines consistently. As a result, Doug was able to improve his business performance and reduce the stress associated with missed deadlines.

These success stories are just a few examples of how Cindy’s coaching has transformed the lives of her clients. Each individual’s journey is unique, and Cindy’s ability to tailor her coaching to meet the specific needs of each client is a testament to her expertise and dedication.

Leveraging ADHD Strengths: Turning Challenges into Advantages

One of the most powerful aspects of Cindy’s coaching is her focus on leveraging the strengths associated with ADHD. While ADHD presents challenges, it also brings unique strengths that can be incredibly valuable, particularly in entrepreneurship and creative professions. Cindy’s coaching emphasizes these strengths, encouraging her clients to use them to their advantage.

For example, Cindy often talks about the concept of hyper-focus—a state where someone with ADHD becomes intensely focused on a task to the exclusion of everything else. While hyper-focus can sometimes lead to problems (such as losing track of time), it can also be a powerful tool when directed towards productive work. Cindy helps her clients harness their hyper-focus, teaching them how to manage it effectively so that it becomes a competitive advantage rather than a hindrance.

Cindy also encourages her clients to adopt a positive mindset. Rather than dwelling on the challenges of ADHD, she helps them focus on their strengths and the unique gifts that come with their brain wiring. This shift in perspective is crucial for building confidence and maintaining motivation, both of which are essential for long-term success.

“I believe that everyone was created on purpose for a purpose,” Cindy says. “Your ADHD brain is not an excuse for a lack of success. If you can learn to work with your brain rather than against it, you can achieve levels of success that others can only dream of.”

The Importance of Community and Support

In addition to her one-on-one coaching, Cindy offers her clients access to a VIP Facebook group where they can interact with other members, share their experiences, and receive support. This sense of community is a vital component of Cindy’s coaching program, providing clients with a network of like-minded individuals who understand the unique challenges of living with ADHD.

Cindy also believes that community and collaboration are essential for entrepreneurs. “Entrepreneurs who try to do it all by themselves often struggle,” she explains. “Having a network of supportive peers can make all the difference in your success. You don’t have to go it alone—there are people out there who get you and can help you on your journey.”

Cindy Baker’s Vision for the Future

Looking ahead, Cindy has big plans for the future of Cindy Baker Coaching. Having recently retired from teaching, she now has more time to dedicate to her coaching business, including expanding her reach through speaking engagements and virtual workshops. Cindy is also in the process of writing a book, which she hopes will further spread her message of empowerment and success for adults with ADHD.

One of Cindy’s goals is to incorporate more business tips into her coaching program, recognizing that many of her clients are entrepreneurs who could benefit from additional guidance in this area. By combining her expertise in ADHD with practical business strategies, Cindy aims to provide a comprehensive coaching experience that equips her clients with everything they need to succeed.

In the long term, Cindy envisions growing her business by hiring a team and reaching even more people with her message. She’s passionate about helping individuals with ADHD

unlock their full potential, and she’s committed to expanding her impact in the years to come.

Join Cindy Baker’s Coaching Community

If you’re an entrepreneur or creative professional struggling with ADHD, Cindy Baker’s coaching program could be the key to unlocking your full potential. Cindy’s unique approach, which combines education, practical strategies, and a focus on strengths, has helped countless individuals achieve success in their personal and professional lives. By working with Cindy, you’ll gain the tools and strategies needed to turn your ADHD into a powerful asset, allowing you to thrive in all areas of your life.

Connect with Cindy Baker

Ready to learn more about Cindy Baker and how her coaching can help you? Connect with her through the following links:

📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cbc_cindybakercoaching/

🔗 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adhdcoachcindybaker/?trk=public_profile_browsemap

🌐 Website: https://cindybakercoaching.com

👥 Facebook Group – Adult ADHD Positive Performance Club: https://www.facebook.com/groups/adultadhdpositiveperformanceclub/

👍 Facebook Page – Positive Productivity for Adults with ADHD: https://www.facebook.com/PositiveProductivityforAdultswithADHD/


Cindy Baker’s journey from struggling with undiagnosed ADHD to becoming a successful coach is a powerful example of how challenges can be transformed into strengths. Her unique ADHD-friendly framework has helped countless entrepreneurs and creative professionals achieve their goals and live more fulfilling lives. By understanding and leveraging the strengths associated with ADHD, Cindy’s clients are able to overcome obstacles and thrive in their personal and professional lives. If you’re ready to take control of your ADHD and unlock your full potential, Cindy Baker Coaching is here to guide you every step of the way.

Whether you’re looking to improve your time management, enhance your focus, or simply find a community of like-minded individuals who understand your journey, Cindy’s coaching program offers the support and guidance you need. Don’t let ADHD hold you back—embrace your unique strengths and start your journey to success with Cindy Baker Coaching today.

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🌟Cindy’s full podcast episode – https://youtu.be/EBYlVr8nLbk 

📷Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/

🎙️YouTube: https://tinyurl.com/yhbz2ewf  

🌎Website: https://vibrantguide.com

🎙️Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36eTU0WUYcaDYQAuzRDzBV?si=ocHEGzXJRT27pVZp-1TSsQ

🎧Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/vibrant-guide/id1760974613

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