Is AP Environmental Science Hard?
What is AP Environmental Science?
AP Environmental Science is a two-semester year round high school course that explores how the environment works, relationships between humans and nature, and building a sustainable future. AP Environmental…

Common App Activities Section – What To Write
The Common App activities section can be quite confusing! If your wondering which activities to include, how many you need, what’s considered an activity, and which section you should put your achievements in, this guide will answer all of…

Best Extracurriculars For College
It can be quite difficult to figure out which extracurriculars you should participate in. This guide will explain the best extracurriculars to do, and how to select your extracurriculars by interest!
What extracurriculars should I do in…

Is AP Lit Hard? AP English Literature and Composition Class
If you are thinking about taking AP Lit next year, this guide will answer all of your questions! You will learn the difficulty level, the course content, and how it differs from AP Lang.
What is AP Lit?
AP Lit is short for AP English Literature…

Is AP Gov Hard? AP US Government And Politics Class
With so many different history APs, it can be hard to decide which one to take. This guide will explain everything you need to know about AP Gov.
What is AP Gov?
AP Gov stands for AP US Government and Politics. It is not to be confused…

DECA Club In High School
DECA is an international competitive business organization for high school and college students. In this guide, you will learn all about high school DECA.
What is DECA club in high school?
DECA is an international competitive business…

What Are Honors Classes In High School?
With so many different types of high school classes, it can get confusing. This guide will teach you about honors classes, their benefits, how they boost your GPA, and their difficulty level.
What are honors classes?
Honors classes are…

Is AP World History Hard?
AP World History is a common first AP history class. Out of the 3 AP history classes I took, AP World History was the hardest class for me, but really covered a variety of interesting topics.
How hard is AP World History?
Like any AP,…

What Is Weighted And Unweighted GPA?
GPAs can oftentimes be very confusing and unclear. With college admissions growing more and more competitive, GPAs are growing more important. This guide will explain what exactly weighted and unweighted GPAs are, which are best for college,…

What Happens During a DECA Competition – Local, Regionals, State, Internationals
Going into your first DECA competition can be scary! Knowing what to expect and how to prepare can be very helpful. In this guide, I will break down what happens during various DECA competitions.
Role-Play Events
To begin, during…